Sunday, December 2, 2018


Thanksgiving was at Gram & Grampa's this year.
It seems I take less and less pictures every 
year.  I must be too busy.
Ellie made me Thanksgiving decorations
Thanks Ellie!!
 I played Legos with Pete
we built a car tower where you put the 
cars down from the top
and take them out at the bottom
 Oh yah!  You have to look up to make
sure all the cars came out.  Too Fun! 
 Dinner was great

 Grampa showed Cade how to reload bullets
 Claire and Cade played really well with the little cousins
 We went to Manchester to take our Family picture
 Blake Island in the back right
 The girls (& Pete)
 Apple Cup time
 Pete's kitty, Smoky, on Claire's head
 Ellie finally wanted a ride on the motorcycle this year

Grampa is handing over the gears to the next generation
 All cooperate except you know who!!
 Dog Pile on Cade
and Grampa
Happy Times!
I'm telling you Cade & Claire love their little
cousins.  These adorable babies are their 
cousins on Andrew's side born Nov. 14
Sooooo cute!!  Are they better than holding
puppies, Claire?


  1. How fun to have everyone home!! For not taking pictures, you still got some great shots. Love to everyone!!

  2. Can't wait to get my Christmas card! :) Lots of joy filled times...even the Apple Cup :) Ooops, sorry Gargani's ;).
