Thursday, July 2, 2020

Curlew Lake

We've been going to Curlew Lake for the past
three years with Walt's brothers and some of 
their friends.  This year CoVid19 hit and we were
isolating ourselves at home for three months.  
When we entered Phase II we got out of town. 
We went over to Marci's house and Walt
helped Bruce put some gadget on his watering
system before we met up with the others
at Curlew.
  A fire broke out on the hills across
the street from Marci's house.  
 Luckily the winds were blowing away from 
from the house but over the hill is another 
 They brought in helicopters to dump water on the fire
 Police, fire trucks, and aide cars, oh my

 Getting to the top and over the hill

 The green trucks in the back are from the 
Entiat Hot Shot Team
 They geared up and started up the hill.  From bottom 
to top with full gear and chainsaws took them 18 minutes
Very impressive!
 You can see them working on the lower ridge
They stayed up there all night watching the fire
after it had been contained.
So then we went over to Kerri's to see how much her
little horse has grown
 and her kids, Jake
 and Sam
 Then on to Curlew Lake.  Walt's catch of the day 
from the dock
 Of course I didn't take any pics of the good 
days but when it started with the 
thundershowers I had to get my camera out
 My night to cook, of course
 Then inside for the night
 The sun broke out so I knew there had to be a rainbow 
 Back row: Dave, Tom, Don, Walt
Front row: Stan, John, and Dave
 Back row: Barb, Dori, Mickie, Cathy
Front row: Sherry, Me, and Julie
 Had campfires most of the nights.  Maybe missed
two nights because of rain or wind
 Trailers are close but we had this amazing grassy area
right behind them and on the lake
 A golden eagle on the power pole
 in flight, can you find him?
Another dark evening.  But on the whole we had
beautiful weather and had a great time.  Sure beat
listening to CoVid news and Protests

When we left our new grass looked like this
We watered on timers
When we got home the grass was so tall we
couldn't see the sprinkler
Must have been 6" tall

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