Thursday, July 30, 2020

Ridgecrest Barrel Cactus

We got these cacti from Ruth in Ridgecrest a
couple years ago.  The one on the right bloomed last 
year.  When we got home from Bandon this 
year this one was ready to bloom again.  This is what
we found a couple days later...
A bloom and a bud on one cactus and three buds on the
other cactus on the left 
The next day the other blossom opened and the
first one died 

Two buds on the top and one on the front
This is probably about 5-7 days worth of growth
Almost ready to open 
and the next day they both opened together
the bud on the front never grew bigger
So pretty
and in ONE day they're gone!!
Boy if you're not home you miss all the glory!

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