Sunday, February 12, 2023

Catch up with Cade

 I'll catch you up with the Grandkids.  Here's Cade in 2022

                              Obviously it's our trip down to California in December for
                         Cade's birthday.  We hit snow on the passes but not on the roads
                                   Cade likes the tree decorated in a certain way

                         They got a couple of cats but we only see one of them, Richard
                          And a dog, Huxley, a goldendoodle, if you can believe it
                                             Don't leave your water glass out
                                          Nice when they make their own cakes
                                 And a Hog!!  Lots of new animals in the household
                               They get a picture together when they dress alike
                      and when they dress up!  Cade got a new suit last Spring for one
                                         of the dances.  He looks all grown up
Mt Shasta on the way home

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