Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Lander turns 2

 We met up with Brooke and family at the 
Children's Museum in town.  The other kids
went there for a birthday or two but Lander
hadn't been there before
He liked climbing around in the little kids room

But he liked the tractor the best I think.  We had to
distract him to get him off so other kids could play on it too

The packing room was a hit with the big truck and 
boxes and conveyor belts

Ellie's been there a lot

But the water room is always fun no matter
how old you get

Finally Landers turn to have presents on the 
floor and getting his picture taken before
opening them

He got his own bike (balance bike)

We gave him a blower...he liked all the gear
that came with it

Took right too the bike

We build him a puppet theater to go with the 
puppets we got him

Should have taken a picture of a puppet show
before Pete got a hold of it

If Pete can cut a hole in it guess who thinks he can

Lander helped decorate his cake too

Very cute

and good

The next morning they had a little snow.  
Lander wanted his new bike to sled with him

I think he'll have fun being


Hope we do too!!

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